218 Main Street Public Notice

Town of Lenox

Zoning Board of Appeals

Notice is hereby given that the Lenox Zoning Board of Appeals will hear a Petition for a Special Permit from Section 5.3.2(2) “Nonconforming Uses” of the Lenox Zoning Bylaw for the property 218 Main Street, owned by Lenox 218 Real Estate LLC, in the “R-15” zoning district (Map 17, Parcel 58) on August 18, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lenox Town Hall (6 Walker Street). The Special Permit is to allow a small outpatient internal medicine practice in a portion of the building. The remaining portion of the building will continue to be used by the Keator Group, LLC. Copies of the petition are available for review in the office of Town Clerk Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or on the Lenox website 24/7.