Lenox Environmental Committee

August 3 and September 9
Monday, August 3, 2020 - 5:30pm

Our next two meetings of the Lenox Environmental Committee will be held on the following dates via ZOOM:

Monday, August 3 from 5:30 to 6:30pm  (ZOOM meeting id:  870 9516 1597; passcode: 195070)


  1. Discuss programming and activities in light of continuing covid pandemic
    1. Discuss goal of holding webcasts to allow Committee to continue to interact with the community to educate and inform about environmental matters in accordance with the Committee’s mission
    2. Brainstorm timing of webcasts (proposed November, February and April)
    3. Brainstorm topics of webcasts (including composting/recycling/zero waste, reducing plastic use, understanding the impact of garden and lawn fertilizers and pesticides on human and animal health and clean water, benefits of adding trees to your property)
    4. Identify technology to be used in webcasts
    5. Discuss format of webcast
  2. Refresher on role of Committee, State rules that apply to committee including open meeting and conflict of interest
  3. New business, if any


Wednesday, September 9 from 5:30 to 6:30pm  (ZOOM meeting id:  827 8975 7394;  passcode: 220112)


  1. Planning for November webcast
  2. Continued discussion of 2021 webcasts
  3. New business, if any


Susan Ellen Wolf

Chair, Lenox Environmental Committee