Does the Community Center have a youth discipline policy?

Lenox Community Center Discipline Policy


The Lenox Community Center (LCC) is proud of the programs it offers to the community, which include after school and sports programs, summer, and adult programs. The success of each program depends upon participants behaving appropriately for the activity or program at issue. With respect to minor participants, the LCC has adopted this discipline policy, to ensure program success as well as to promote the safety and enjoyment of participants. The LCC strives to impose/ ’s discipline that is clear and understandable to the child, consistent, and explained to the child before and at the time of any disciplinary action. We shall include positive guidance, re-direction, and the setting of clear-cut limits, which foster the child’s own ability to become self-disciplined. The LCC’s discipline practices are designed to encourage the child to be fair, honest, and caring; to respect property, and to assume personal responsibility and responsibility for others. Positive discipline will include brief, supervised separation from the group (time-outs) or withdrawal of special privileges (for example, losing the privilege to participate in a game or use game room supplies i.e.; board games, balls, etc.)

Parent/guardian cooperation and involvement is vital to successful implementation of this policy. We ask that parent(s)/guardian(s) read and discuss the rules and policies for each program with their child/ren.  Staff is available to answer any questions that you have.

Procedure: The following procedure will be followed if a program participant breaks the rules or policies for the program, or otherwise engages in behaviors contrary to program parameters. This procedure is used as a guideline, however, steps may be skipped if the situation warrants.

•           Staff will provide a warning and redirect the child to appropriate behavior.

•           Staff will place the child in a ‘time out’ for no more than five minutes or will take away a privilege (such as playing with a specific toy or participating in a game).

•           Staff will document the behavior issue, and inform parent(s) or guardian(s) of the issue. Staff will acknowledge in writing that the parents have been informed of the problem.

•           After two documented behavior reports, a meeting will be set up with the Director and Youth Services Coordinator and parent(s) or guardian(s). The purpose of this meeting will be to determine why the child is having difficulty and what efforts might be made by the staff, parents, and child to find a possible solution.

•           After three documented behavior reports, the child may be disenrolled from the program.

Immediate Dismissal:

Please note that the LCC reserves the right to immediately remove and suspend or dismiss a participant in the event of extenuating behavior or verbal/physical actions that threatens the safety of other children, staff or the child him/her self, regardless of whether the steps outlined in the “Procedure” section, above, have been followed, may be grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. In which case, the procedures detailed above may be circumvented.


I have read and understand the LCC Discipline Policy       





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