Affordable Housing Trust

Wednesday, December 27, 2023 - 12:00pm

Lenox Affordable Housing Trust  

6 Walker Street, Lenox, MA 01240 

December 27, 2023

12:00 pm

Lenox Town Hall Land Use Room & Zoom 


 1. Discuss final format of FTHB program to prepare marketing and information materials to share with banks and the public.

2. Discuss CDBG Rehab application; public hearing to be held 1/3/24 at Select Board meeting re: program application and potential housing unit improvements.

3. Discuss a subcommittee to address grievances to the AHT.

4. Discuss DHCD invitation of 238 Pittsfield Rd to LIHTC round in Feb 2024, specifically, how a grant to the project from the Trust would improve the application.  Potential vote on appropriation of funds to support the application.

5. Old business

6. New business

7. Adjourn


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